1. Bubble Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best => O(n) , Worst & Average => O(n*n)
   Space Complexity: O(1) 
   Stablitiy       : Stable
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place	
   When to use     : 1. If array is of small size 
		                 2. If array is of large size but nearly sorted
   Remark          : Easiest to implement	

2. Selection Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best & Worst & Average => O(n*n)
   Space Complexity: O(1) 
   Stablitiy       : Not-Stable
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place
   When to use     : 1. If array is of small size
		             2. To minimise the number of swaps
   Remarks         : Bubble sort has more number of swaps as compare to selection
		             Sort but bubble sort has better best time complexity.
		             It can also be implemented as stabaly.
		             Selection sort makes O(n) swaps which is minimum among all sorting algorithms mentioned above.	

3. Insertion Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best => O(n) , Worst & Average => O(n*n)
   Space Complexity: O(1) 
   Stablitiy       : Stable
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place
   When to use     : 1. If array is of small size and nearly sorted
   Remark          : Standard Libraray of C uses this algo when n becomes smaller
		             than a threshold and for small size it is better than merge
		             and quick sort becasue of low constant values and non
 		             recusive in nature.

4. Heap Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best & Worst & Average => O(nLog(n))
   Space Complexity: O(1) 
   Stablitiy       : Not-Stable
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place
   When to use     : When the input array is large and stable sort is not 
   Remark          : It always guaranteed to be O(nLog(n)) with constant space 
                     which solves the problem of overflow of address space of a 
                     process which may occur in merge and quick sort(recursive stack).

5. Counting Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best & Worst & Average => O(n+k)
   Space Complexity: O(n+k) 
   Stablitiy       : Not-Stable
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place

6. Merge Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best & Worst & Average => O(nLog(n))
   Space Complexity: O(n) 
   Stablitiy       : Stable 
   Is-In-Place     : Not-In-Place
   Tag             : Divide & Conquer
   When to use     : 1.When we don't have random access(linked list)
                      [R.A like as we have in array]
                     2.When array is not to large.

7. Quick Sort:
   Time Complexity : Best => O(nLog(n)) , Worst => O(n*n) 
   Space Complexity: O(n) 
   Stablitiy       : Not-Stable 
   Is-In-Place     : In-Place
   Tag             : Divide & Conquer
   When to use     : 1.It is prefered over merge sort for extremely large array
                     2.When you don't care about worst case complexity
             Quick Sort                    *    Merge Sort 
1.Time       O(nLog(n)),O(n*n).            *    O(nLog(n))
2.Space      O(1).                         *    O(n)
3.Advantage  When random access is there.  *    When random access is costly(i.e Linked List)
4.Stability  Not Stable.                   *    Stable
5.In-Place   In-Place.                     *    Not-In-Place
6.Address    Never Rise.                   *    May arise when array/list is extremely large


Merge Sort

Quick Sort