Problem statement:

Given a set with distinct elements, find all of its distinct subsets.


Input: [1, 5, 3]
Output: [], [1], [5], [3], [1,5], [1,3], [5,3], [1,5,3]

Solution backtracking DFS

public List<List<Integer>> subsets(int[] nums) {
    List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>();
    backtrack(nums, 0, result, new ArrayList<>());
    return result;

void backtrack(int[] nums, int start, List<List<Integer>> result, List<Integer> temp) {
    result.add(new ArrayList<>(temp));
    for (int i = start; i < nums.length; i++) {
        backtrack(nums, i + 1, result, temp);
        temp.remove(temp.size() - 1);

Solution backtracking BFS

public static List<List<Integer>> findSubsetsEducative(int[] nums) {
    List<List<Integer>> subsets = new ArrayList<>();
    // start by adding the empty subset
    subsets.add(new ArrayList<>());
    for (int currentNumber : nums) {
        // we will take all existing backtracking and insert the current number in them to create new backtracking
        int n = subsets.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // create a new subset from the existing subset and insert the current element to it
            List<Integer> set = new ArrayList<>(subsets.get(i));
    return subsets;

Time complexity:

Since, in each step, the number of subsets doubles as we add each element to all the existing subsets, the time complexity of the above algorithm is O(2^N) where ā€˜Nā€™ is the total number of elements in the input set. This also means that, in the end, we will have a total of O(2^N subsets

Space complexity:



dfs ā†’ backtracking, add in each step and start from index, and go to index + 1

bfs ā†’ add empty arr to result, then iterate through numbers and take result size and for all sets in result for the size create new set and add number there